Organization Development

Are you familiar with the Timothy Clark quote:  

“A crisis liquifies the status quo,”?

I recently posted this quote on LinkedIn and received this response from Alex Loewenthal:

“It is the status quo (that exceeds its useful life) that causes the crisis.  The reason that a crisis takes place (rather than a series of small, adaptive changes to the status quo) is that the infrastructure of the status quo (bureaucracy, processes, policies, etc.) invoke the past success of the status quo as the justification to keep it as is.  The more rigidly the status quo is defended, the greater the likelihood of a crisis.”  

Ask yourself:

Does a call for a change to the status quo leave my organization fretting and our performance slipping?

Does the celebration of success in my organization happen less frequently?

Are we learning from what has occurred or reflecting upon what we have learned?

Is the satisfaction and joy of accomplishment missing within my VUCAH* world?

*What is VUCAH?






Areas of organization development consultation include:

  • Leadership development programs designed to decrease the change aversion of your leaders 
  • Leadership transition (speeding the time for positive impact for a new leader entering a new team)
  • Learning and benefiting from failures or challenges; and learning to celebrate wins
  • Team development and performance
  • Culture assessment and re-development
  • Scenario planning
  • Post mortems; learning to review and reflect and learn from what has already happened

Contact Joanne Lakomski, the Human Resorceress.

With 25+ years of transforming groups of people — teams, departments, organizations — Joanne works from data and insights about your current organization to define with you the shifts and changes to liberate the unique magic of your people, and become the organization you want to be.

Human Resorceress ~ Releasing the Magic!